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Fruit and Vegetable Diet

Most of us know just how healthy fruit and vegetables are, yet for some reason many of us simply don’t get enough in our everyday diets. If you feel as though your health may be lacking in this area then starting a fruit and vegetable diet is a fantastic choice of new year’s resolution.

Using The Fruit and Vegetable Diet As A New Year Detox

The fruit and vegetable diet can mean a few different things. One option is to eat only fruit and vegetables as a way to detox as a way to start your new year’s weight loss resolution. By cleansing your body for a period of around two weeks, you’ll be giving your weight loss efforts a head start. You’ll cleanse your body of toxins and help to rid yourself of unhealthy eating habits. But be warned – this kind of diet isn’t easy and you should always see a doctor before you get started!

If you want a more long term diet plan then opt to simply include a greater number of fruits and vegetables in your every day diet. Aside from the fruits and vegetables, you should make sure that the rest of your diet remains balanced.

What Are The Benefits Of A Fruit And Vegetable Diet?

There are a number of benefits of incorporating more fruits and veg in your diet. For a start, they are very high in fiber. In turn this can impact your health by helping to control blood glucose levels, keeping your digestive system running smoothly, reducing the risk of some cancers and reducing cholesterol levels.

Fruit and vegetables also contain a huge number of vitamins and minerals that we need for our bodies to function properly. These help to prevent a whole range of diseases and health conditions and keep us as healthy as possible.

What Should You Be Eating?

As part of a standard diet, you should be getting at least five portions of fruit and veg every day – and these should come from a wide range of different sources. Eating them fresh means you’ll get the greatest benefit, though you can incorporate dried fruits into your diet if it helps. Remember the general rule – the more colorful the vegetables on your plate, the more healthy your meal is.

Many of us aren’t simply getting what we need, so starting a fruit and vegetable diet is certainly a good resolution to make for the new year. If you’re finding it difficult then try to make things easier by drinking smoothies and making soups. Your body will thank you for it!

“Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Unhealthy

Published on 04/25/2021

Almost every week there is a new superfood or ingredient that should help you shed extra pounds, boost your energy and strengthen your immune system. For decades, food companies have been trying to convince their customers to buy products that are full of additives, chemicals, and other questionable items. And while many of them are marketed as particularly healthy, these products can have negative effects on your health. Here are some supposedly “healthy” foods and their better alternatives.

“Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Unhealthy


Granola is the healthy breakfast alternative to sweet donuts or pancakes with syrup? Unfortunately not – granola is full of sugar (8 to 12 g per serving) and empty calories and should therefore be considered a dessert. Ingesting a large amount of sugar in the morning can be detrimental to your health. Studies show that increased sugar intake is linked to a higher risk of cancer, diabetes, and obesity. You can avoid this by simply making your own granola (or granola / granola bars) at home with nutrient-rich ingredients like oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits for natural sweetness. If you want to leave out granola entirely, just use chia seeds or hemp seeds as a crispy alternative to your yogurt or bowl of oatmeal!

Processed Fruit Juices

Even if you used to think that fruit juice was healthy – now you should definitely cross it off your shopping list. It contains a high and concentrated dose of fructose, but without the beneficial fiber that you get from whole foods. The same fiber has numerous benefits and helps you slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, avoiding sudden sugar shocks or hypoglycaemia. It also reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.

Diet Snacks

Snacks such as vegetable chips are considered a healthy snack between meals and an alternative to high-fat products such as potato chips. However, many of the store-bought brands are deep-fried and are usually high in sodium, fat, and other artificial additives that you should absolutely avoid.
So how about homemade vegetable chips made from carrots, courgettes, radishes or cabbage? Fat-free popcorn, roasted chickpeas, or roasted pumpkin seeds are also healthy alternatives.

Artificial Sweetener

Artificial sweeteners are mostly hidden in “healthy” foods, but they are actually harmful to your health. Studies show that sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose and saccharin can even stimulate your appetite and lead to food cravings. This subsequently leads to weight gain (possibly even obesity) and a deterioration in your intestinal health. You should definitely avoid diet foods with artificial sweeteners. Sweeten your food yourself. With fresh fruit, stevia, raw honey or maple syrup you can season your meals naturally and so satisfy your cravings for sweets – without any additional chemicals or other no-gos.

Weight Loss Plans For Women Over 50

Weight loss plans for women over 50 need to take certain factors into account. Setting a new year’s resolution to lose weight is tough for anyone to stick to, which is why it’s so important that you formulate a plan that suits you, your lifestyle, and your current fitness levels.

How Will Your Resolution Improve Your Life?

Before you even get started, it’s well worth thinking about how your new year’s resolution is going to improve your life. Weight loss plans for women over 50 are a fantastic way to increase energy levels every day, and to give you back more confidence if you feel as though you may have lost it. Not only can toning up make you feel better about the way you look but simply being active will give you a new outlook on life.

As we get older, fat starts to replace muscle which, in turn, lowers our metabolism. What this effectively means is that we will start to put on weight more easily, even if we maintain the diet and activity levels that we’ve always had. This is why making a new year’s fitness goal can be beneficial in more ways than one!

Knowing Where To Start

Before you begin it’s always recommended that you see your doctor about any current health issues or concerns that may affect your goal to lose weight in the new year. They will also help to give you advice on a program that is realistic and healthy.

You want to make sure that your goals are attainable. Due to the world of crash celebrity dieting, many of us have come to expect results in a short space of time. This is rarely ever the case, and using these systems is the best way to set yourself up for failure. Instead, you need long-term strategies that keep you motivated as you go along.

Get Going!

Weight loss plans for women over 50 are similar to plans for any other age group you need to increase the levels of physical activity at the same time as watching your diet. When it comes to losing weight, you ultimately need to take in fewer calories than you are using up every day.

During the perimenopause stage, it’s also important to consider certain types of exercises. For example, weight-bearing exercises are a very important way of increasing bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis in later life. On top of this, weight-bearing exercises are also a great way to raise your metabolism by building more muscle on the body.

Weight loss plans for women over the age of 50 don’t need to be complicated – they simply need to be attainable, healthy and gradual.