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Don't put pressure on anyone until he's stalled.
crime in the workplace Often caused by small quarrels and not clearing the mind until it escalated into a big problem that ended up hurting each other This is well known to organizational psychologists. But it's difficult to solve and prevent. Because in the organization, it is often seen that quarrels or disagreements or stalemates of employees are extremely normal. and especially if it's the boss Or the boss acts with his subordinates, the more nobody wants to interfere. But that's the pressure. Coercing a person has no choice. Until turning frustration into resentment and eventually cause violence.

Counseling psychologists pay attention to how problems and people differ across the lifespan, and they have great respect for the influence of different human traits, such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and disability status, on psychological well-being. They conduct counseling/psychotherapy, teach and perform scientific research with individuals of all ages, families and organizations (e.g., schools, hospitals and businesses). They believe that behavior is affected by many things, including qualities of the individual (e.g., psychological, physical or spiritual factors) and factors in the person’s environment (e.g., family, society and cultural groups).

The first topic is thinking about that other person. It studies how people judge others and things. From where, how do we conclude whether a person is likely to be kind or untrustworthy? Interesting findings include People are more influenced by the negative or bad traits of another person than their good traits. People also judge people based on their first impressions or first impressions. Plus we are biased when judging others in many ways. which can be directly applied to job interviews for recruitment or assessment of people in various situations.